If you are using Windows OS (Windows Vista/7/8/10), you can use our uploader tool which offers more features than uploading through a web browser.
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We offer a method to earn money from the outgoing links of your file using URL shortening services such as adf.ly or ouo.io.
If you enable this method, each mirror link on the download page of your files will be shortened using either adf.ly or ouo.io service (using your account API of them). So when a downloader clicks any of the mirror link, they will be shown your ad page before taking them to the actual link.
Example link : https://www.mirrored.to/files/JRNUNHRE/Mirrored.to_v3.0.2.exe_links (Please click any of the "Get Link" button on this page).
If you would like to combine multiple Mirrored.to/Mir.cr download links (For example, multiple parts of a file, different versions of a file etc), you can do so by visiting the following link. You may combine upto 20 Mirrored.to/Mir.cr links at a time. All download links will be shown under a single link.